Scientific english editing

Scientists often face the situation when they need to publish an article in English. This is the most universal language, which is used by almost the whole world of science. However, many authors do not have enough knowledge to compose a competent and structured text. This is not only about those who translate articles from their native language. Sometimes even native speakers face problems related to the use of terminology, selection of stylistics and correct grammar.

It is better to entrust English editing for scientific papers  to an experienced professional. The editor will check the text for errors, edit the author's translation and bring the manuscript to perfection. 

Who needs the service of editing scientific articles

The service should be ordered by scientists who plan to publish research in an English-language journal. International editions have strict requirements to the quality of articles and do not allow manuscripts with errors. A common reason for turning to experienced editors is the use of auto-translation with the help of an online dictionary. This method does not exclude misunderstanding of technical terminology and may cause deviation from the scientific style of presentation of the material.

If you want your research to be known to the world scientific community, use the services of preparing articles for publication.

Features of editing in English

The editing of scientific manuscripts includes:

  • elimination of spelling, grammatical and syntactic errors;
  • improving the structure without losing the meaning of what is written;
  • checking the adequacy of the examples provided;
  • proofreading, stylistic editing;
  • adaptation of scientific terms to technical English.

The editor makes corrections only after agreeing with the author and never makes corrections that will affect the essence of the research.

A mere translator cannot cope with such a task. Academic manuscripts are proofread by experts who have a degree and are fluent in English. As a result of editing, you get a high chance of quick publication of the research due to the absence of comments on the text.

As an additional service, editing and proofreading includes drafting letters to the editor of publications, writing cover letters, grant applications, correspondence with English-speaking colleagues, and assistance in developing texts for presentations.

Advantages of scientific manuscript editing

When you turn to us for professional scientific editing in English, you get:

  • a high chance of timely publication and recognition of the importance of your work for the scientific community;
  • guaranteed high quality, literate and logically structured text;
  • confidentiality and intellectual property protection, confirmed by signing a non-disclosure agreement.

Our specialists provide comprehensive support at every stage of preparing your research for publication.

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