How to write a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement customarily can be found near the termination of the introducing subsection in the scholarly paper and sums up the backbone of your entire study. It can assume different forms according to the essay type but in any case, it ought to explicitly set forward the central message your study intends to convey. All other elements of the essay ought to underpin or confirm the dominant message.

To reveal the thesis statement structure, one has to adhere to several basic steps.

  • Frame the main question first
  • Prepare the provisional answer
  • Expand the provisional answer
  • Elaborate the statement

Novice researchers oftentimes find it hard to formulate what goes in a thesis statement. Briefly speaking, this statement formulates the pivotal issues touched upon in the following text. It instantaneously informs the readers what ideas will be substantiated.

Brevity: The thesis ought to be as laconic as possible. There is no need to include an excessive amount of words in it. It is better to formulate the key message in one or two phrases.

Disputability: The thesis is not a formulation of some publicly known fact. It is rather an utterance requiring proof or exploration to underpin it.

Cohesiveness: Each utterance in the thesis ought to be elucidated and developed in the body text of the paper.

2. Location of the thesis statement

Primarily, the thesis statement ought to be positioned in the closing segment of the introduction.

3. Example of an essay introduction

The expansion of the Internet has altered every area of human life, not excepting the field of education. The application of Internet technologies for study purposes and their wide spread among the representatives of the new generation in general is the subject of intense debate. People from older generations are often anxious about the possible impact of emerging technologies. However, this anxiety is unreasonable. The drawbacks of the worldwide network are compensated for by its contributions to the area of education: fast access to large amounts of information, acquaintance with different views, and an adaptable studying environment.

Stage 1: Formulate a question.

If you have doubts about how to start off a thesis statement, remember that the initial (provisional) thesis statement ought to appear in the early stage of writing. After formulating the main subject, the researcher has to determine what ought to be said about it, thus specifying the focus and arrangement of the work. Attempt to come up with the key question to be answered in the course of research. For instance, it may be a question like: Do Internet technologies influence the area of education in a positive or negative way?

Stage 2: Come up with a provisional answer.

Upon conducting the initial part of the research, it is already possible to propose some version of the answer to the raised question. In the initial stage, the answer can be unsophisticated; its main function is to determine the direction of the subsequent research. Internet technologies introduce a number of advantages in the area of education.

Stage 3. Expand the initial answer.

After getting to know the answer to the question “how do I start a thesis”, the next step is to analyze the reasons behind the proposed answer and attempt to persuade the audience to accept your idea. More thorough exploration of the subject will allow you to make the answer more comprehensive. The thesis ought to thoroughly outline your standpoint and give a rough idea of your line of reasoning.

Step 4: Improve and enhance your thesis.

In the ideal case, a thesis statement ought to contain the following:

  • The reasons why the author adheres to a certain position
  • What the audience can find out from the paper
  • The major points of your reasoning

The ultimate version of the thesis statement has to sketch out not only your standpoint in general but also your entire line of reasoning regarding the chosen theme. To reinforce the thesis statement, one can turn to the wider context related to the subject.

Below is an exemplary refined thesis statement for an essay concerning the use of Internet technologies:

The downsides of introducing Internet technologies are outbalanced by numerous merits associated with the field of education: simplified access to large arrays of information, getting to know a variety of viewpoints, and an adaptable studying environment.

Such formulation is more detailed and demonstrates the author’s intent to analyze the subject comprehensively.

4. Varieties of thesis statements

Obviously, the thesis statement ought to be in line with the objectives of the article, which may differ in correspondence with its type. In case the paper you are working on is of an argumentative variety, the key objective of the thesis statement should argue the audience into your viewpoint relying on evidence-based consistent reasoning. In case the paper is expository, the key task is to set forth some factual information related to the considered topic. In this scenario, there is no need to persistently substantiate your viewpoint. Instead, the thesis statement ought to formulate your core message and refer to some facts that will be explained.

Example: Argumentative thesis statement

Although social media are an essential tool of communication in the contemporary world, making it easier to access any conceivable information, many researchers state that their excessive use results in mental health issues and deteriorate the quality of interpersonal interaction.

Example: Expository thesis statement

Post‐traumatic stress disorder following exposure to a traumatic episode can result in an elevated risk of stroke and atrial fibrillation.

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