English Proofreading Services

Proofreading of the text in English helps to find and correct mistakes and typos. A manuscript checked by a native English speaker is ready for publication in international academic journals. An experienced proofreader does not only correct spelling or punctuation errors. A native speaker offers language editing services, among them: searches for semantic and stylistic errors, brings the text into uniformity in accordance with the content.

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    When is Proofreading by a native English speaker required?

    A native speaker perceives a written text differently from a trained translator, selects turns and expressions more precisely. 

    Proofreading by a native English speaker is required in the following cases:

    • preparation a scientific article for publication in a journals with a high rating;
    • preparation a scientific monograph, students book, thesis for publication in an world publishing house;
    • getting recommendations from editors;
    • preparation business letters, documents, copy оf CVs, grant applications.



    confidentiality of data (non-disclosure agreement protects the content of all sent materials);


    reliability of co-operation (all additional edits are made free of charge);


    feedback with customers (our company will make revisions until the customer is satisfied).

    How it works

    The author attaches files to experts through a special window on the website or sends them by e-mail to mail@english-proof.com

    The customer receives the price and terms of preparation of materials, details for payment in the return letter.

    The expert starts proofreading after payment.

    The author receives a finished proofread text.

    What is included in the English Proofreading Service?

    The purpose of the proofreader’s work is to bring the translated materials to style and lexical uniformity. The edited text is easy to read and understand, there are no ambiguous phrases or inappropriate expressions. 

    The work of a professional proofreader includes:

    • working with typos, spelling, punctuation, grammar (quick proofreading service);
    • adaptation of materials to the required variant of English (British, American, etc.);
    • work with inaccurate phrases and sentences (deep reading and stylistic work).

    In addition, the customer receives an international certificate on the paper and a lifetime warranty on the proofreading, which is important in case of the need to make corrections or refunds.

    Intensive writing editing service is necessary when you have received comments from the reviewer about ‘insufficient English’. Most likely, the materials contain many errors, incorrect word order in sentences, etc.

    Cost and terms of proofreading services

    In our company the cost of the quality proofreading services is $10 per 250 words. Work rates depend on the volume of sent materials, proofreading of a scientific article takes 2-3 days. The tariff calculation will help the customer to predict the approximate cost online.

    Two columns
    Proofreading cost estimate


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