English Editing Services

Intensive English Editing involves more in-depth work with the text than conventional Proofreading. The specialist reworks the text in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. The material presentation quality improves dramatically.

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    When is Intensive English Editing required?

    • If you have translated or written an article in English yourself, but have no language training.
    • You wrote the article independently, but some parts of it were translated by online translators like Google Translate or DeepL Translate.
    • When you have passed the review stage, but the reviewers pointed out that you have “poor English”, the meaning of some sentences is unclear and the text needs serious revision.

    Our specialists make English Editing on a tight schedule. We have professional linguists on our staff with experience in editing academic texts from various fields.



    confidentiality of data (non-disclosure agreement protects the content of all sent materials);


    reliability of co-operation (all additional edits are made free of charge);


    feedback with customers (our company will make revisions until the customer is satisfied).

    How it works

    The author attaches files to experts through a special window on the website or sends them by e-mail to mail@english-proof.com

    The customer receives the price and terms of preparation of materials, details for payment in the return letter.

    The expert starts proofreading after payment.

    The author receives a finished proofread text.

    What is included in the Editing Service?

    English Editing includes full text revision, when the text is revised in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation and scientific style. If the quality of translation is poor or the meaning is difficult to understand, then the whole sentence is modified by providing different wording. After English Editing, the text is proofread by a native English speaker.

    The Editing service includes:

    • Correcting typos and spelling mistakes.
    • Correction which includes elimination of punctuation and grammar errors.
    • Refining the scholarly style.
    • Full rewording of a sentence if the meaning is difficult to grasp or is not understood altogether.
    • Adaptation of the text by a native English speaker to suit the desired English variant – British English or American English.
    • Highlighting unclear sentences and suggesting corrections.
    • The international-standard Certificate of English Proofreading is provided (on request).
    • Lifetime guarantee (free revision in case of reviewer’s critical comments, or refund).

    If you are confident of the quality of your text, it has a minimum of mistakes and all you need is to have a “polished” text, then the English Proofreading Service is the right option for you

    Cost and timing of the Editing Service

    The cost of the Editing Service depends on the length of the text and is $15 for 250 words.

    The timeframe depends on the length of the article and is 3-5 days on the average.

    You can get a preliminary cost estimate using the form below. For precise estimate of the editing cost and timing, you can make a query by attaching your document.

    Two columns
    Editing cost estimate


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