English editing for authors
In scientific endeavors, it is often necessary to translate a manuscript into English. For some scientists, this is not a problem. However, if your command of a foreign language is far from academic, the quality of the translation may be low.
A quick way to improve the quality of a manuscript translated into English is to have it checked and corrected by an expert. In our company, this is done by a native speaker. They are familiar with the subtleties of native orthography, grammar, and punctuation, which helps to correct any errors in writing texts in English.
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Quick proofreading for authors
The cost of professional editing is 10 dollars per 250 words. You can get a free estimate of the full cost of services by filling out an application on our website. The average time for proofreading a scientific text is 72 hours.
English proofreading services: Editors for authors
There are several advantages to translating a book, article, or other scientific work into English:
- Publication in prominent international journals increases the author's recognition and boosts their credibility in the scientific world.
- Expanding the audience: the larger the readership, the greater the interest in the author’s contributions to science and culture.
- New research opportunities, which the international market can provide.
Given these trends, the service of proofreading and editing by an expert is of particular importance. Professional help speeds up the process of document acceptance and its publication in a scientific journal, a publishing house, or other editorial venues. These always have specific requirements for the work of new authors.
Manual editing of documents is challenging for those who do not have perfect knowledge of a foreign language. However, for native speakers who do not face language barriers, this work is not difficult. Their help in editing scientific documents is invaluable.
Properly phrased sentences, reviewed by a native English speaker, will elevate the quality of the work. An error-free document, written in correct scientific language, will increase its impact and attract the attention of those who follow the latest research and publications.
confidentiality of data (non-disclosure agreement protects the content of all sent materials);
reliability of co-operation (all additional edits are made free of charge);
feedback with customers (our company will make revisions until the customer is satisfied).
The author attaches files to experts through a special window on the website or sends them by e-mail to mail@english-proof.com
The customer receives the price and terms of preparation of materials, details for payment in the return letter.
The expert starts proofreading after payment.
The author receives a finished proofread text.
Text correction service by a Native English Speaker
- Quick proofreading: At this stage, an initial (brief) check of the document takes place.
- Elimination of dialect issues: British and American English have significant differences. Without the help of a native speaker and an editor, it is difficult to navigate these distinctions.
- Improvement of style and readability: After proofreading and editing, the work is fully ready for publication and is easily understood, even by those who are not experts in reading scientific texts in a foreign language.
Typically, our editors are contacted by those who have previously attempted to translate their work into English and received poor feedback. To avoid spending time on extensive revisions, order professional editing from a company that works with native English speakers.
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