Book proofreading service

Before going to print, a book must be professionally proofread. Many people decide to do everything on their own, and as a result, the publication process is delayed for a long time.

It is harder to check manuscripts written in English. Even the most competent writer can miss typos, random errors. All this will spoil the reader's first impression of the publication. For this reason, you should not save money on professional book proofreading. The service allows you to remove inaccuracies, errors (punctuation, grammar) and submit written material in a professional, polished manner. To do this, proofreaders must be attentive to details, deeply understand grammar, spelling, punctuation. A native speaker of a foreign language knows all its subtleties, nuances, so can improve the clarity, flow of writing.

Proofreading is a labor-intensive process. But our specialists with many years of experience will cope with any task. Paying attention to all the details, showing their professional qualities and patience, will return to the client a better product that will appeal to the target audience.

​What the service includes

The international book market is highly competitive. Therefore, the author's creation must be of artistic value. Before preparing a book for publication, it is necessary to familiarise yourself with the requirements of a foreign publishing house. 

Book editing and proofreading is done by qualified translators and proofreaders of our company. We carry out complex work:

proofread the book for any errors, typos;

  • check the translation;
  • improve the clarity, consistency of presentation;
  • format the text in accordance with the established requirements;
  • we check the correctness, correctness of references.

We work with any types of texts, including essays, articles. We take care that the book does not contain errors and is ready for publication.
If the author is not sure whether his text is ready for publication, we can evaluate it and make suggestions for improvement.

​Cost and terms of services

The cost of proofreading services for authors is determined by the volume of the manuscript. The average price is $15 per 250 words.

The proofreader starts work immediately after the order is received. The average turnaround time is 2-3 business days.


  1. Sending the book to our editor with design recommendations.
  2. Checking the text and feedback with the author to discuss the need for specific adjustments.
  3. Formatting of the book in accordance with the requirements of the publication.

Proofreading is a rather complex work that allows you to get a harmonious, unified in style and content work.

If you can not decide whether you need the services of a proofreader, send your work for proofreading. We recommend that you send a link to the website of the publication, where the requirements to the design are described.

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